IALE Romania team won the second prize at the national Quarry Life Award competition, 3rd Edition (2016)
IALE Romania and Edu - WG has added a new victory to their awards list, by winning second prize in the Quarry Life Award 2016 competition.
Our project, "One Landscape, Two Stories: People and Birds (a study of the Slatioara Pit)"- was appreciated by the jury. The prize (€3000) offered by HeidelbergCement Romania motivates us to continue our activities in the fields of education and landscape ecology.
The Romanian Award Ceremony took place on the 28th of November 2016, at the HeidelbergCement Romania headquarters, Bucharest.
The educational materials created for this project can be viewed here:
- Videos: Click!
- Teachers’ Guide: Click!
- Appendix- Birds flashcards: Click!
- Project blog: Click!
- Drd. Ioana Stoicescu