IALE Romania

International Association for Landscape Ecology Romania


Centre of Landscape–Territory–Information Systems

Members / Membership / Payment


Members of IALE Romania can be, scientists (researchers, professors, PhD students, master students, etc.) that are interested in studying or already are acting in the field of landscape ecology. Membership can be achieved after filling a written joining registration form. People that join IALE Romania declare that they agree with the statutory regulation of the association.

  1. Regular members: Full membership fee is 30 Euro / year. This includes the international newsletter from IALE.
  2. Institutional members: Full membership fee is 50 Euro / year. This includes the international newsletter from IALE.
  3. Student Membership: Full membership fee is 15 Euro /year. This includes the international newsletter from IALE. Student members may benefit on discounts for participating at conferences or summer schools.


University of Bucharest

Address: Bvld. Mihail Kogalniceanu, no. 36-46, sector 5, Bucharest


Banca Comerciala Romana (The Romanian Commercial Bank), Sucursala sector 5, Bucharest

Address of Bank: Bvld. Tudor Vladimirescu, no 57, sector 5, Bucharest


Bank Account in EURO, BCR University of Bucharest: RO87 RNCB 0076 0104 5262 0003

The IALE EC welcomes the new chapter, Romania. In order to facilitate the chapter setup, IALE has reduced the chapter fee for 2013 and 2014 as follows: 10 Euro per full member, 5 Euro per student.

From 2015, unless another agreement exist, the chapter fee will be set to the normal amount: 20 Euro per full member, 10 Euro per student.

This year, 2013, all taxes must be paid untill 25th Octomber.

How to become a member

  • If you want to become a member you can to send your request to iale.romania@g.unibuc.ro, at the begining of every year (from January to March)
  • Please send us your CV and a Motivation Letter in which you should describe what will be your position and contribution (grants, research papers, PhD Thesis, Volunteering) to IALE Romania.
  • All requests are going to be analized by the Executive Committee and Council of IALE Romania


University of Bucharest
International Association for Landscape Ecology

IALE Romania

Springer Nature

Landscape Ecology


Address: Splaiul Independentei no. 91-95, 050095, floor 4, room 404, Bucharest, Romania

E-mail: iale.romania[at]g.unibuc.ro;



International Association for Landscape Ecology