2014 - ISI publications
1. Stoiculescu R., Huzui A., Gavrilidis A., Pătru-Stupariu I., Nita A., Călin I., Cuciulan A. (2014) What is the spatial link between the roman civilization and cultural landscape in Romania? Journal of Maps. IF 0,76.9
complete list of articles
Books and Book Chapters
- Angelstam, P., Elbakidze, M., Axelsson, R., Čupa, P., Halada, L., Molnar, Z., Pătru-Stupariu, I., Perzanowski, K., Rozylowicz, L., Standovar, T., Svoboda, M., Törnblom, J. (2013) Maintaining cultural and natural biodiversity in the Carpathian Mountain ecoregion: need for an integrated landscape approach. In: Kozak J., Ostapowicz K., Bytnerowicz A., Wyżga B. (Eds.) The Carpathians: Integrating Nature and SocietyTowards Sustainability, Springer. ISBN 978-3-642-12724-3
complete list of Books and Book Chapters
Conferences / Presentations
- 1. Pătru-Stupariu I., Stupariu M.S., Kienast F., Grădinaru S., Gavrilidis A., Tudor C.A, Cuculici R., Hersperger A. Geometric fragmentation: from quantifying spatial patterns to connecting ecosystem services and local landscape planning in the Romanian Southern Carpathians. Changing European Landscapes, Landscape Ecology local to global, IALE 2013 European Congress, September 2013, Manchester, United Kingdom.
- 2. Niță A., Buttler A., Pătru-Stupariu I. Perception and use of landscape concepts in the procedure of Environmental Impact Assessment; case study – Switzerland and Romania Changing European Landscapes, Landscape Ecology local to global, IALE 2013 European Congress, September 2013, Manchester, United Kingdom.
full list of Conferences / Presentations
- Revue Télédétection (indexed in Scopus)
- Procedia Environmental Sciences, Elsevier ( indexed ISI)
Volume: 14 Pages: 98-110 DOI: 10.1016/j.proenv.2012.03.010 Published: 2012, - Bucovina Forestiera (Romanian Journal)