Conferences / Presentations
Complete list of Conferences / Presentations
- 1. Pătru-Stupariu I, Niță A., A bibliometric analysis of the European Landscape Convention over 20 years, Virtual Conference, Socio-Ecological Practice Research for Sustainable Landscape Governance, 2020, București
- 2. Mustăţea M., Pătru-Stupariu I.,Landscape connectivity: a model based on understanding the human-wildlife interactions, EcoSmart 2019, Bucuresti
- 3. Pleșoianu I., Pătru – StupariuI., Șandric I., Stupariu, Assessing the suitability of different drone generated data products for tree detection using deep learning techniques EcoSmart 2019, Bucuresti
- 4. Pătru-Stupariu I., Mustăţea I.,Pleşoianu A.I.,Schultze M., Stupariu M.S., Fürst Ch. (2019) Human-wildlife interactions in peri-urban areas: does the 3D fingerprint of the landscapes matter? IALE Word Congress, 1-5 July,Milano
- 5. Stupariu M.S., Fürst Ch., Pătru-Stupariu I., (2019). Differentiating between 2D and 3D landscape metrics: the role of surface variability. IALE Word Congress, 1-5 July,Milano
- 6. Stupariu M.S., Dumitriu A., Pătru-Stupariu I., Fürst Ch.(2019) 3D printing of landscapes: from technical advances to expectations of end-users. IALE Word Congress, 1-5 July,Milano
- 7. Pătru-Stupariu I., Chifiriuc M.C.,Măruţescu L.,Stupariu M.S. (2019) Linking the urban health to the quality of the blue infrastructure: a proof of concept for understanding the environmental dimension of antibiotic resistance. IALE Word Congress, 1-5 July,Milano
- 8. Calotă A.M, Pătru-Stupariu I., (2019). Quantifying the effects of defective planning on pastures using urbanization and landscape indicators. IALE Word Congress, 1-5 July,Milano
- 9. Calotă A.M., Pătru-Stupariu I., (2018) Land use dynamics in pastoral landscape Geography in the Romanian Centenary, 17 -18 November, Bucharest
- 10. Calotă A.M., Pătru-Stupariu I., (2018) The effects of human pressure over the pastures resilience in Romania, Smart Geography 2-4 november Sofia,Bulgaria
- 11. Pleșoianu A., Stupariu M.S., Pătru-Stupariu I., (2018) Implementing a tree detection technique from Lidar data using Wavelet - based algorithms EGU General Assembly, 8-13 April, Viena Austria
- 12. Pătru-Stupariu I, Pascu M., Could local people provide insights about landscape resilience? IALE 2017, European Landscape Ecology Congress, September Belgium, 2017.
- 13. Pătru-Stupariu I., Calotă A.M., Anastasiu P., Understanding landscape resilience by changes at fine scale. IALE 2017, European Landscape Ecology Congress, September Belgium, 2017.
- 14. Stupariu M.S., Pătru-Stupariu I., Timofte C., 3D Landscape Metrics: what and how can be computed? IALE 2017, European Landscape Ecology Congress, September Belgium, 2017.
- 15. Stupariu M.S., Pleşoianu A., Pătru-Stupariu I.3D landscape pattern analysis using wavelets based techniques. IALE 2017, European Landscape Ecology Congress, September Belgium, 2017.
- 16. Stoicescu I., Grădinaru S., Călin I., Calotă A.M., Pătru-Stupariu I. Non-formal educational activities to promote Landscape Ecology in Schools. IALE 2017, European Landscape Ecology Congress, September Belgium, 2017.