Complet list of published Articles
2017-2020: ISI publications
- Pătru-Stupariu I., Niţă A., Mustățea M., Huzui-Stoiculescu A., Fürst Ch. (2020) Using social network methodological approach to understand human–wildlife interactions. Land use Policy, under review
- Stupariu M. S., Pleșoianu A., Pătru-Stupariu I., Fürst Ch. 2020) What is the shape of a tree? An approach for pattern detection in 3D-geospatial data. International Journal of Geo-Information, accepted
- Mustățea M., Pătru-Stupariu I, Niță M.,Clius M., (2020) Using landscape patterns and stakeholder perspective for quantifying human-wildlife interactions in peri-urban mountainous areas. IForest- Biogeosciences and Forestry, under review
- Pătru-Stupariu I ., Pașcu Mărioara, Bürgi Matthias ( 2019) Exploring Tangible and Intangible Heritage and its Resilience as a Basis to Understand the Cultural Landscapes of Saxon Communities in Southern Transylvania (Romania), Sustainability, 11, 3102; doi:10.3390/su11113102.
- Năstase I.I., Pătru-Stupariu I., Kienast F., (2019) Landscape Preferences and Distance Decay Analysis for mapping the Recreational Potential of an Urban Area. Sustainability, 11, 3620; doi:10.3390/su11133620.
- Pătru-Stupariu I., Calotă A.M., Santonja M., Anastasiu P., Stoicescu I., Stupariu M-S., Biris I., Buttler A., (2019) Do wind turbines impact plant community properties in mountain region? Biologia,
- Calotă A.M., Pătru-Stupariu I., (2019) Pasture resilience towards landscape changes: assessing pastures quality in the context of land-use and land-cover changes in Romania. European Journal of Geography,10, 2, 12-26.
- Bogdan S., Pătru-Stupariu I, Topârceanu A.Năstase I., (2019) Mapping social values for cultural ecosystem services in a mountain landscape in the romanian Carpathians, Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, vol. 14, no. 1, p. 199 - 208; doi:10.26471/cjees/2019/014/072
- Fang J., Peringer A., Stupariu M.S., Pătru-Stupariu I., Buttler A., Golay F. Porte-Agel F., (2018) Shifts in wind energy potential following land-use driven vegetation dynamics in complex terrains, Science of The Total Environment 639, 374-384.
- Pătru-Stupariu I., Stupariu M.S., Stoicescu I., Peringer A., Buttler A., Fürst Ch .(2017) Integrating geo-biodiversity features in the analysis of landscape patterns, Ecological Indicators 80: 363–375
- Năpăruș-Aljančič M.,Pătru-Stupariu I., Stupariu M-S. (2017) Multiscale wavelet-based analysis to detect hidden geodiversity. Progress in Physical Geography : 26, pp. 601–619.
2016 - ISI publications
2015 - ISI publications
2014 - ISI publications
2013 - ISI publications
2010 - 2012 ISI publications
Peer - reviewed publications (BDI)